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Product Description

Transforaminal Endoscopic Surgical System

Transforaminal Endoscopic Surgical System

Suffering from herniated discs is so prevalent that it is qualified as a “common disease”. Males are affected twice as often as females. The TESSYS®method uses the lateral transforaminal endoscopic approach, which is, in general, a “gentle surgery”.

Suffering from herniated discs is so prevalent that it is qualified as a “common disease”. Males are affected twice as often as females. The TESSYS®method uses the lateral transforaminal endoscopic approach, which is, in general, a “gentle surgery”.

The TESSYS® surgery

Using the TESSYS® approach the surgeon resects the herniated disc through the foramen intervertebrale. Thus, a natural foramen to the spinal canal is used. With the TESSYS® technique this is widened step by step using specialized reamers and instruments. Under endoscopic view sequestered disc material is removed completely and directly through the foramen.


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